Contrary to popular belief, root canals are a fairly simple procedure that won’t feel much different than a typical filling treatment. At Village Square Dental, we assure you that we’ll make your root canal procedure as comfortable as possible.
Root canals are a common and routine procedure meant for patients with an infection inside their tooth. Root canals often are talked about as if they are a really scary and painful procedure, but that is far from the truth.
If do you have extreme dental anxiety though, we don’t want you to deal with the stress. Sedation options are offered so you can have a comfortable and relaxing experience.
In order to catch a tooth infection early, it’s important to come in for regular checkups. An infection might be developing without causing any symptoms. However, when an infection worsens, you will begin to notice some signs and should come in for treatment as soon as possible. Here are some symptoms to look out for:
Local anesthesia is applied to the infected area to prevent pain during treatment. If you do have anxiety, we will offer you sedation to keep you relaxed.
During the procedure, the dentist will drill an access hole into the tooth and remove the infected pulp. The area will be smoothed and cleaned before being sealed to prevent further infection.
If you’re experiencing severe tooth pain or sensitivity, you may need a root canal. Our team will make sure you’re comfortable during the procedure and we’re ready to answer any questions or concerns you might have. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.